Planning projects for complex, high-end equipment, installations and systems in the military and civilian sectors typically not only entails an adherence to stringent technical requirements, but to the accompanying logistical requirements as well. A sound analysis of the requirements with regard to the technology involved and the project/order framework is therefore indispensable. This is where we at eko•ILS Logistics are able to support you in identifying the methods, procedures, and rules and regulations to be applied. This results in an appropriate assessment of the effort involved and a determination of the procedural deadlines that match the respective project context.
On the basis of the requirements analysed in the project, we at eko•ILS Logistics are able to support our customers in assessing the tasks to be performed. In doing so, the focus lies in defining the:
A clear, unambiguous and precise description of the tasks to be performed is a prerequisite for their efficient and successful execution.
To do this, we assist our customers in creating a consistent Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) by defining the necessary work package.
This is necessary in order to be able to assess its unequivocal implementation and completion regarding the contents, framework boundary conditions and, when appropriate, the task specifications, and the input and output variables to be observed.